Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Last but not least is Rupert. He is a big red piggy with a big red heart. Rupert was the protector of all his brothers and sisters in his litter, especially Paolo. He is waiting for a happy home where some little boy or girl may need some protection from the boogie monster. He stands guard without abandon. If your little girl or boy is afraid of the dark, Rupert is the answer. He will stand guard and be the perfect watch pig. Rupert was "born" here in Iowa to Dolores before he came to me.

Rupert has been adopted by my friend Star.  He's going to a happy home to protect a new babykins!

1 comment:

Donna Pool said...

Your pigs are incredibly adorable! I love them! And I love the name of your blog, too! I had to come check it out...and tag you! Yes, you've now been officially tagged. Go read my latest blog entry to see what to do...I hope it brings more traffic to your blog!