Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Clara is very curious, as you can see in her photo. It was difficult to get Clara's photo because she was pretty busy snooping around. She's a very pretty two tone blue color. She's quite a bit smaller than her brother Blu, but she's sure mighty. She needs a little time to grow into her ears though. She takes after Bob that way (Bob is her big brother from a previous litter.)

Clara has been adopted by Kat in Texas. Thanks Kat! I know Clara will love your little girls :)

Kat's update on Clara:
"Yes, Clara made the long trek without a problem. She mentioned she did not enjoy the cramped quarters of her shipping box and begged me to ask you to make some flying pigs. I explained to her that pigs do not have wings, but she is beyond reasoning with...evidently she overheard someone use the phrase "When pigs fly" and took it to heart.
Being a curious piggie, she has already been seen poking her snout into various corners of our house. I'm sure that she is just trying to find a place to settle in.
(Lots of giggles)
I was just posting a couple of new items on my site - once I've finished I'll go out and leave feedback for you. Thank you so much for the little bit of happy you've added to my life!"

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